Your Asset Protection Lawyer

Many people assume that only wealthy people need to protect their assets but the reality is that even someone with modest assets can highly benefit by doing this with a skilled and experienced Des Moines, IA asset protection lawyer for many different reasons. The Law Group of Iowa has 16 years of experience successfully helping people protect their assets and plan their estates. To find out more about why asset protection may be essential for your financial future and that of the ones you love, contact us today.

Asset Protection Lawyer And You

An asset protection lawyer is one who is especially knowledgeable and educated in how to protect their clients’ assets. Some of the more typical things they protect assets from are creditors, divorce, and lawsuits, They do this by developing legal plans and strategies to protect wealth so that they can make recommendations that are specific to an individual client’s unique situation, People often use asset protection lawyers to ensure and protect wealth that they want to be passed down to heirs or to go to specific charities or foundations, etc. If you have even the most moderate assets, it may be in your best interest to discuss your situation with an estate and asset protection lawyer to find out the kinds of recommendations they might make for you. Reach out to a Des Moines asset protection lawyer to learn more.

Developing Asset Protection Plans

A good asset protection lawyer can analyze your finances and risk factors, and use legal instruments to develop plans and to structure your assets in ways that will protect you from potential liabilities and threats. Examples of these instruments are trusts and forming limited liability companies (LLCs). If you own property, a lawyer may advise you on how to title it. For some financial situations, they might recommend that you title properties as, tenancy by the entirety or in your spouse’s name rather than jointly or in yours alone, etc. A good asset protection lawyer will help you to understand the different ways you may be able to protect assets from creditors, such as with prenuptial or postnuptial agreements. Typically, asset protection lawyers will develop plans for their clients to protect their assets and heirs from one or more of the following, creditors, lawsuits, and divorce. They can also help to ensure a client’s eligibility for Medicaid benefits and protect assets from nursing home expenses.

Asset Protection Lawyers Provide Guidance And Advice

Asset lawyers provide legal guidance and advice. They keep up with changes in laws and regulations in relation to asset protection. They make complex concepts about your finances simple and easy to understand. If needed, they will represent you in court.

If you would like to learn more about how a Des Moines asset protection lawyer might be able to help you, contact the friendly team at the Law Group of Iowa today for a free consultation.